Apologetics night
Talking about Jesus with a friend, family member or someone from work can seem overwhelming. How do we deal with difficult questions and controversial issues? What is a good way to respond to objections? Is the Bible even a credible source? Can rational people have faith? Is it possible to talk about God in a way that draws people closer – not further – away from faith in Jesus?
This is where apologetics can help. Apologetics is about both promoting your faith and lovingly defending it against criticism. It involves:
- answering questions about the gospel
- responding to challenges to the Christian faith from secularism and other world-views
- demonstrating to people that the claims of Jesus are true, make sense intellectually, and offer the best picture of our world and of reality
Apologetics may seem like a hard job better-suited to the experts, but anyone who has faith in Jesus can do it – especially if you have help along the way. To help improve your confidence in answering questions about Christianity and upholding its truths to others, we’re running an apologetics night at St Paul’s.
Date: Monday 9th September
Time: 7:30 – 9pm
Speaker: Max Jeganathan, Asia-Pacific Regional Director of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
Max has worked as a lawyer and a political adviser in the Australian Parliament. He has taken part in debates and spoken in banks, universities, political institutions, churches and conferences. He is passionate about the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to transform lives.
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries is a global orgainsation that aims to reach and challenge those who shape the ideas of a culture with the credibility of the gospel of Jesus Christ.