Church service 教会崇拜
在疫情下的安排 During the coronavirus period
为了保护弟兄姐妹和邻近居民在疫情下的安全,从3月22日到四月底,主日崇拜将改成网上崇拜,仍旧是11:15 开始,崇拜内容与平常的差不多,时间长度会缩短,暂以直播的方式进行,如有兴趣参加,请与我们联络。
In order to protect our community, we decide to run our service online starting on 22 March 2020. If you are interested to join, please contact us and we can pass the information to you.
以下是平常聚会的详情 The following is what happens normally
国语崇拜 周日 11:15am Chinese Church, Sundays, 11:15am
If Mandarin is your native tongue, we’d love you to join us at Chinese Church – a family-friendly service run in Mandarin – and share a meal with us afterwards. Our service is family-friendly with a parent room, kids program for children aged 3-5, primary school students, as well as a youth program for high school students.