In 2021, St Paul’s Kids will be following along with the book ‘Exploring the Bible: A Bible Reading Plan for Kids’ by David Murray. Each week there will be a memory verse and a summary video to accompany the week’s reading.
Expedition 10 | Entering the promised land Monday 15 march
Snapshot Verse
Judges 21:25
“In those days, Israel wasn’t ruled by a king; everyone did what they thought was right”
Entering the Promise Land
Under Joshua’s leadership, Israel marched into the Promised Land of Canaan and began to live in it. Everything looked great for the Israelites. However, they soon began to reject God’s leaders and God’s laws. In the book of Judges, we see what happens to people when they reject God and just do whatever they want.
Expedition 9 | Look back, look forward, look up Monday 8 march
Snapshot Verse
Deuteronomy 33:27a
“The eternal God is our hiding place, he carries us in his arms”
Look back, Look forward, Look up
In the book of Deuteronomy, we look backward, forward, and upward. We look backward at all that God did for Israel. He delivered them from Egypt, gave them his laws, and led them through the desert for forty years. Then we look to the land of Canaan, which God had promised to give to Israel. Finally, we look upward as we follow Moses up a mountain and enjoy his spectacular view of Canaan just before God takes him to heaven. The book finishes with Israel’s new leader, Joshua.
Expedition 8 | blood and dust Monday 1 march
Snapshot verse
Hebrew 10:12
“But Christ offered himself as a sacrifice that is good forever. Now he is sitting at God’s right side”
Blood and Dust
This week we will travel to two unusual places. The first is the book of Leviticus, which is full of animal blood and teaches us how God forgives sin. The second is the book of numbers, which is full of desert dust and teaches us how God punishes sin.
Expedition 7 | A new nation Monday 22 February
Snapshot verse
Exodus 20:2
“I am the Lord your God, the one who brought you out of Egypt, where you were slaves”
A new nation
God saved Israel from Egypt, made them a new nation, and then gave them important laws. These laws helped them to live and worship in a way that pleased God.
Expedition 6 | Saved from Slavery Monday 15 February
Snapshot verse
Exodus 14:13
But Moses answered, “Don’t be afraid! Be brave, and you will see the Lord save you today. These Egyptians will never bother you again.
Saved from Slavery
This expedition starts a few hundred years after our last one. God increased Abraham’s family, but it wasn’t long before they moved to Egypt because of a famine. God continued to multiply this special family, but they lived as slaves to the Egyptians. Let’s take a look at how God raised up a deliver, Moses, to save Israel from slavery.
Expedition 5 | A Long and painful test Monday 8 February
Snapshot verse
Genesis 22:14
‘Abraham named that place “The Lord will Provide.” And even now people say, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.”‘
God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, and the crazy thing is he was about to do it! BUT then the Lord provided.
We’re going to follow Abraham and watch how God tests his faith by making him wait and wait for the promised son. Despite many ups and downs in Abraham’s faith, and despite a mix of successes and failures, God at last blesses him with a boy named Isaac.
Expedition 4 | A special promise of a special son Monday 1 February
Snapshot verse
Genesis 15:6
“Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord was pleased with him.”
Abram… sounds similar to Abraham… are they the same person? What do you know about Abram?
Expedition 4
As the world population grew again after the flood, so did its sin. The desperate situation came to a climax with the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11. Against this dark background, once again God showed how loving he is. He picked out one man, Abram, and promised him a special son who would bring blessing to the whole world.
Expedition 3 | A flooded World Monday 25 January
Snapshot verse
Genesis 6:8
“But the Lord was pleased with Noah”
How long can you say “Noah” for? Join Mike and Si as they repeat Genesis 6:8 to the beat of the cowbell!
Expedition 3
Hundreds of years have passed since our last expedition. As we look around, we will see lots of people and lots of sin. That’s what God saw, and that’s why he destroyed the world with a flood. But we won’t just see a dreadful deluge this week; we’ll once again see God’s beautiful mercy in saving Noah, his family and many animals in an ark.
Expedition 2 | A ruined World Monday 18 January
Snapshot verse
Genesis 3:15
“You and this woman will hate each other; your descendants and hers will always be enemies. One of hers will strike you on the head and you will strike him on the heel.”
We had a beautiful world, but it was ruined by sin. That’s why we need police and turtles?!
Expedition 2
On our last expedition we saw some of the most beautiful parts of God’s perfect world. Now we will plunge into the most dangerous darkness as sin enters and spoils everything. Yet in the middle of the darkness, God promises salvation by grace through the promised Saviour, who will crush the Devil’s head.
Expedition 1 | A Beautiful world Monday 11 January
Snapshot verse
Genesis 1:1
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
Join Mike and Si as they memorise the first verse of the Bible.
Expedition 1
As we set out in Genesis, we’ll see a number of important beginnings: the beginning of the world, of animals, of people, and many other things too!