Family Discipleship 101
In this episode, Adam Griffin, co-author of Family Discipleship: Leading your Home through Time, Moments, and Milesstones, discusses what it looks like for parents to prioritize the important but mostly ordinary spiritual leadership of their family. He debunks common misconceptions about what family discipleship has to look like, highlights the importance of cultivating a culture of joy and fun in the home, and offers parents a simple framework for intentionally traning their kids to view their lives through the lends of the gospel.
Podcast on raising teenagers
When it comes to raising little ones it’s easy to feel like you’ve got it (mostly) under control … until one day, your child turns ‘teen’ on you and everything changes! Life now starts to move rapidly. Everything you thought you knew goes out the window and you’re struggling to keep up.
To equip you for the road ahead, the Raising Teens podcast by Collett Smart and radio station Hope 103.2 offers valuable info to tackle these changes and hopefully gain some ground.