Our Partners
At St Paul’s, we want everyone – both in our local community and abroad – to know Jesus and the real hope that He brings. We also seek to show God’s love to others by helping those in need
Proclaiming God's Word
Adrian and Anita Lovell
Location: Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Family: Matias, Maya
CMS Australia
Adrian and Anita are regional directors of MOCLAM: an organisation that makes theological education available to Spanish speakers in South America.
The Lovells teach and administer MOCLAM courses to Christians from churches across Bolivia – in particular, those who are heavily involved in gospel ministry, but have little or no theological training. Adrian and Anita help students see how Jesus is key to understanding the Bible, with the aim of equipping and empowering them to share Jesus faithfully from the Bible.
Nima Alizadeh
Location: California, North America Family: Paniz
Born in Iran, Nima is the founder and president of Iranian Revelation Ministries, and the managing director of the Gospel Coalition Farsi. He uses social media to minister to Persians living around the world, equipping them and proclaiming the gospel through Bible teaching, preaching and writing. Nima was formerly pastor of our Iranian church at St Paul’s Anglican. He is now working with ACNA (Anglican Church in North America) and serves as an associate pastor at Grace Anglican Oceanside in California, where he lives with his wife Paniz.Martin and Julie Field
Location: Córdoba, Argentina
Family: Lachlan, Eloise, Charlotte, Jacob
CMS Australia
Martin and Julie train students in Córdoba, Argentina, to understand the Bible for themselves, reach out to their classmates with the gospel, and live enthusiastically for Christ in all they do. They do this through Asociación Bíblica Universitaria Argentina (ABUA): a student movement associated with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES).
Martin and Julie are currently working on a training plan for students involved in local ministries and groups. They also support young couples as they prepare for marriage.
Peter and Mandy Denham
Location: Taiwan
Family: Luke and Hamish
Peter and Mandy serve in Taiwan, where they proclaim Jesus and seek to reproduce communities of faithful disciples among the less-reached Taiwanese working class.
Peter is OMF’s Taiwan Finance Manager, while Mandy is involved in personal evangelism and small group ministry in Mandarin. To find out more about the ministries Peter and Mandy are involved in, visit the OMF website.
Gillian Akers
Location: France
Gillian serves in France as an Associate with CMS. She is a member of the Protestant Evangelical Church of Rennes-Sud in western France where she is assisting others to mature in their knowledge and love of Jesus by participating in everyday church life, especially in home groups, women’s groups, and meeting one on one with women. She is seeking opportunities to engage in the local community and have fruitful gospel conversations.
Lachlan & Candy Grice
with Beaumont (2023)
Lachlan and Candy, along with their two kids, are learning language and exploring opportunities for evangelism in Taiwan.
Walk three steps in Taiwan, and you find a small temple; walk five more, and you find a bigger temple. Most people in Taiwan worship gods and ancestors as part of their daily life, and even more participate in annual festivals of worship such as the Mazu pilgrimage and Ghost Month. Lachlan and Candy are part of a team that encourages and equips local believers and pastors for evangelism in this highly spiritual context.
Berkeley Life Centre
Berkeley Life Centre is committed to being part of God’s mission to transform lives through being a friendly and safe community for people to get to know and follow Jesus. BLC engages with the Berkeley community – where life is often a struggle – in numerous ways, including an op shop, Sunday gatherings, Adopt a Block, Celebrate Recovery, food pickup and just genuinely contributing to the community day to day. Berkeley Life Centre is part of the Sydney Anglican initiative; Evangelism and New Churches.
Showing God's Love
- Toys ‘n’ Tucker – sharing the joy of Christmas with those in need.
- ESL programs – we use Anglicare training material to run our ESL classes.
- SHIFT program – assisting families in transition, particularly refugees and those fleeing domestic violence.
- Raising money for various appeals throughout the year.
Equipping God's People
Restore Mission
Location: Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea
In Milne Bay, a province on the east coast of Papua New Guinea, Anglican bishops run 600 churches, 256 schools and 29 hospitals. They only have 35 diploma trained ministers to do the work before them – including sharing the gospel and providing essential services to the poorest, most remote people in the province.
St Paul’s Anglican is partnering with Restore Mission, a ministry set up to support these churches and the vital work they do in PNG. We are financially supporting missionaries Angus and Christina Skeoch to study at St Andrew’s Hall in Melbourne so they can grow a formal partnership with CMS. We are also supporting the Bishop of Dogura, Fr Tennyson Bogar, who Angus and Christina serve under.
You can find out more about Restore here and sign up for regular prayer letters.
Moore Theological College has been providing in-depth theological training to prepare men and women for Christian ministry and mission since 1856. The college’s vision is evangelical and international, training gospel workers in multiple denominations and various locations.
St Paul’s is proud to partner with Moore Theological College prayerfully and financially. Over the years we have sought to promote and benefit from Moore’s ministries and resources, such as PTC (the preliminary theological certificate) and the college’s Centre for Christian Living events. As a church, we also take an active role in training students of the college as student ministers. Our Senior Minister also assists at the college’s Centre for Ministry Development: an arm that provides leadership development of pastors and churches.
We also partner with the college in equipping men and women for ministry is by sending people to be trained there. Some may study a diploma for one year full-time (or part-time equivalent) simply to know God better and to be better equipped for serving in church. Others will spend three or four years studying a degree full-time to be equipped for vocational Christian ministry down the track.
For more information, please visit the Moore College website.
Kelvin and Roslyn Nicolle
Location: Australia
Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia
Kelvin and Roslyn are long-term missionaries and Bible translators. From 1998 to 2015, they were part of a team involved in Bible translation for the Nenets people in north-west Siberia. They also lived in St Petersburg, where they supported up to 20 other Bible translation teams working across the Russian Federation and Central Asia.
Currently Roslyn serves as Member Care Coordinator for Wycliffe Australia, coordinating and encouraging regional carers around Australia, and helping support Bible translators in their role.
If you would like to receive Kelvin and Roslyn’s prayer newsletter, get in contact here (kelvin-roslyn_nicolle@wycliffe.org.au).
Richard and Pinnucia Wilson
Location: Rovereto, Italy Family: Stefania, Daniele, Luca, and Mattia. ECM
Richard and Pinuccia serve in the Evangelical Church of Rovereto in northern Italy since 2021. It was planted in 2011 by the church at Trent, where Richard had been working to develop the church from 1992 and Pinuccia from 2000. Currently, they help in the Bible teaching through sermons, Bible studies, and the Sunday School. Their aim is to train and encourage Italians in ministry, so have been, are, and will be involved in many other areas of church life, depending upon the needs at the time. To spread the gospel in Italy, Richard creates Italian Bible resources and distributes them through his site and apps LaParola (meaning ‘The Word’ in Italian). About 15,000 different Italian speakers visit the site every day. Richard is also the Italy Field Leader for ECM, and part of various groups within the international leadership of the mission, to help missionaries thrive in all the continent.Chloë Wolfson
Location: Southern Spain
Chloe is a missionary with European Christian Mission (ECM), initially as part of a church planting team ministering to people of all ages in rural Spain.