St Paul's Anglican

No Condemnation: Romans sermon series

“When the message of Romans gets into a person’s heart there is no telling what may happen.”  – J.I. Packer


This term at St Paul’s, we are digging deeply into the richness that the book of Romans has to offer. With the apostle Paul as your guide, we’ll be exploring the many benefits of being justified by faith, chief among them God’s declaration that there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.

You can watch this week’s service here:

Romans_mock up


To accompany our series on Romans, we have created some resources for you, your family, and your growth group.

You can download them below:

You can watch the sermons in this series in the videos below:

1. Romans 5:1-11


26 JUL 2020

2. The Reign of Grace
Romans 5:12-21

2 AUG 2020

3. Romans 6:1-14

9 AUG 2020

4. Freed for slavery to God

Romans 6:15-23

16 AUG 2020

5. Romans 7:1-6

23 AUG 2020

6. The Law’s role in God’s Grace

Romans 7:7-25

30 AUG 2020

7. No Condemnation

Romans 8:1-4

6 SEP 2020

8. Spirit-led Children of God

Romans 8:5-17

13 SEP 2020

9. The Hope of Glory

Romans 8:18-30

20 SEP 2020

10. Confident Conquerors through Him who loves us

Romans 8:31-39

27 SEP 2020

1. Video

The Bible Project have a fantastic visual overview of the book of Romans in two parts, available here

1. Books

Part small group study guide, part commentary, this resource produced by St Helen’s Bishopsgate in London is a great thing to read alongside the Bible as you work your way through the book of Romans.

Romans For You by Timothy Keller.

These books work through the whole book of Romans verse by verse, providing a helpful  discussion and exploration of each passage followed by reflection questions to help you apply the text to your life. 

Volume 1 (Romans 1-7): paperback or eBook

Volume 2 (Romans 8-16): paperback or eBook.


From Here to Eternity: Assurance in the Face of Sin and Suffering by Ray Galea

This book focuses in on Romans 8, one of the most wonderful chapters in the whole Bible! Ray Galea explores the ongoing struggles against sin and suffering in the Christian life and shows how the words of Romans 8 bring us great comfort and hope. Available in paperback or eBook.

3. Commentary

For a solid but accessible commentary on the book of Romans, John Stott’s The Message of Romans in the Bible Speaks Today series is an excellent volume.

Available in paperback or eBook.

If you want to go much deeper and you’re looking for a more advanced and technical commentary, we would recommend Douglas Moo’s volume The Letter to the Romans which is part of the New International Commentary on the New Testament series.

4. Music

Grace Has Come: Songs from the Book of Romans by Sovereign Grace.

This is an album of 13 songs based on some of the key verses and ideas in the book of Romans. You can listen on Spotify here.

Got Questions?

We answer questions from each sunday’s sermon on our podcast, The Extras. Tune in today!