Serve with us at Summerfest
At St Paul’s, we want to reach out to our local community, and offer the real hope that Jesus brings. So from January 6-10, 2020, we are running Summerfest: our very first local mission with activities and events for all ages.
If you are a Christian who longs to see people know Jesus, we’d love you to join us! Sign up info is below. No matter your experience, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to serve and be a part of what we hope will be an incredibly exciting week.
Summerfest Teams
There are plenty of different ways you can serve with us at Summerfest! Firstly, we will be asking everyone at St Paul’s to connect with our community through doorknocking, leafleting, having conversations and inviting friends along to the events at Summerfest.
On top of that, here are the teams you can join.
Kids team
Leading either years 3-6, Kindy – year 2, preschool or running creche
Running activities, craft and games for kids
Teaching the Bible to kids in a fun, engaging way
Sharing the good news about Jesus with kids
A potential gateway into joining kids ministry at St Paul’s
Youth team
Running sessions and games for teenagers at night
Sharing the good news about Jesus with teenagers
A potential gateway into joining the youth ministry at St Paul’s
Adults team
The adults team will serve as a friendly face to our guests at Summerfest. This will include things like:
Connecting with adults and parents who come to Summerfest
Getting to know guests and engaging them in conversation over morning tea
Inviting people to programs we have at church
Potentially having gospel conversations with people who are open to talking about Jesus
Welcoming team
To support Summerfest, the welcoming team will work together to ensure people are welcomed, have a warm first impression of Summerfest, and get connected to programs we run at church. This may involve working together to:
Run the welcome desk
Look after the look and feel for Summerfest
Have conversations with people and inviting them to church
Hospitality team
To support Summerfest, the hospitality team will work together on things such as:
Providing quality food and drink for guests and the team within a specified budget
Providing morning tea for children and the adults tent
Running a coffee cart
Providing lunch for leaders
Organising a food event/lunch for everyone on Friday of Summerfest
Logistics team
To support Summerfest, the logistics team works together to set up safe, well-functioning spaces. The team will be responsible for:
Setting up safe, well-functioning spaces
Looking after parking and road safety
Organising set up and pack up
Organising and providing signage
AV/tech team
To support Summerfest, the AV/tech team will ensure that sound, music and video are utilised to their potential. The team will be responsible for:
Sound in the North Hall, East/West Hall and Lower area of the church
Power point for events
Ambient music for events if needed